SALT architecture | Services
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Our Services

Our Goal

Our overarching goal is to inject new thinking, new strategies, and a fresh perspective to every undertaking while assuring that each project is executed to the highest standards possible.

Our Values

Our philosophy incorporates the integration of a creative design approach with the sense of timeless design. This, coupled with intelligent, detailed, high-quality construction, has earned us a reputation for excellence in a wide variety of projects.

Our Process

Our firm has extensive background in site planning, entitlement, permitting, working with local agencies and construction budgets to ensure as smooth of an approval process as possible in both residential and commercial work.

Our Promise

We pride ourselves on our straightforward, honest approach to both design and our client relationships. We truly care about our clients, and work diligently to help guide them through the design and building process. We believe integrity, honesty, straightforward communication and great architecture should all go hand in hand.